" We are a member-owned eggtrading network, connected by a central trading and administration office "
We are connecting producers, packing stations and industries from primarily Europe and the Ex-Trade trade and administration office is facilitating and conducting egg-trades within the network. Furthermore, the TA office is in charge of memberships and related billing.
Membership Benefits
Our office helps with:
- Introduction to the market
- Personal advice regarding the entire trading process
- Sales back-up (transport, payment, claim handling)
Moreover, you get
- Up-to-date market pricing information
- Access to the industry Knowledge Base
- Mobile App including overview of bids to buy, offers to sell and concluded trades
- Email updates on new Bids to Buy and Offers to Sell
- Bonuses accumulated on the trading volume
- One share of the Ex-Trade platform with voting rights at the General Assembly
- Annual in-person networking with close to 100 industry peers and leaders
- Possibility to join the Board of Directors
Members represent major EU-based egg industry participants
Join Ex-Trade
Test Membership test
- Possibility to conduct trades
- Up-to-date market pricing information
- Personal advice from Ex-Trade dealers
- Access to the industry Knowledge Base
- Email updates on new Bids to Buy and Offers to Sell
first month free
Full Membership
- € 4000 entrance fee
- Bonuses accumulated on the trading volume
- One share of the Ex-Trade platform with voting rights at the General Assembly
- Annual in-person networking with close to 100 industry peers and leaders
- Possibility to join the Board of Directors
€100 / month
If you wish to apply for a test membership, please send an email to
with your
company details, address and VAT number, describing whether you are a packing station,
wholesaler or industry plant. The application will be presented to the board of directors for final